SILENT CHECK VALVES - 300/600 Series

Silent Check Valves are designed to prevent water hammer by positively closing before reversal of flow can occur. The valve closes silently, is low in cost, reliable and requires no regular maintenance. Silent Check Valves are commonly used in vertical turbine pump installations when pumping from a well to an elevated reservoir. They are also recommended for commercial and industrial HVAC applications such as heating systems and condensate return lines. When specified, the Silent Check Valves are Factory Mutual System Approved for use on hazardous fire fighting equipment and fire protection systems.


Design Features

Available with wafer or globe style bodies, sizes range from 1-24" (15-600mm). They are available with Ductile Iron with ASME 125/150 or ASME 250/300 end connections.

Salient Features

  • Body Styles:
    300A Wafer Style and 600A Globe Style
  • Size Range:
    Wafer 1-10” (15-250mm)
    Globe 3-24” (80-600mm)

Material of construction

S.NO Name Material
A1 Body Ductile Iron
A2 Seat CF8 M
A3 Plug CF8 M
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